midterm milestone

what did you do last week?

Last week, I worked on prototyping the core mechanic (the dialogue system) and getting the dog following to work.

what are you going to do next?

This week, I plan to get the rest of the functionality & writing completely finished and start modeling some of the simpler objects like dog bones and a fence. I have a list of stuff I need to start modeling, so as soon as the functionality is all good I'm just going to start chugging away at that!

what do you need help with? are you going to code help desk or 3D art help desk?

Right now I don't think there's anything specific I need help with, but I might go to code help desk if I run into any problems.

how do you feel about your progress so far?

I honestly feel like I'm a little behind because I didn't work on it as much as I wanted to last week. Hopefully by the end of this week I can get back to where I want to be!