final project update 2

This week, I didn't do a lot in the code on my computer, but in class the group worked together on others' computers to figure out the scoring system. This includes checking to see if there are monsters in the photos you take on your camera, and if so, how many there are and how big they are. This is some great progress, as it means the functionality of the game is coming closer and closer to completion.

I also modeled the first monster for the mountain zone, a big snorlax-like creature who has two states: awake and asleep. These two versions are distinct in that the sleeping one is textured with Z's for eyes, and the one which is awake has exclamation points for eyes. I also modeled a mountain (because we decided to switch from using the terrain tool to using big, block models and cubes for the scenery to match the low-poly aesthetic we chose).

Next week, the goal is to continue modeling and start working on polish. This includes creating music / other audio, debugging, polishing UI, putting the models we've made into the scene, adding transitions between scenes, and more. It will be a relatively light week, which is especially nice because of Thanksgiving break.